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Tag: writing prompts

Contemplative Writing Prompts for Lent: Leap Day

While Lent goes on, so do other happenings. This gives us our Contemplative Writing Prompts for Lent: Leap Day edition. Leap Day is that once in a blue moon (okay, every four years) occurrence. We personally know two folks born on Leap Day (chances are, right?) It’s a wonderful, slippery-slidey day, though I do feel sorry for the three...

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Contemplative Writing Prompts for Lent: 12

We are continuing our journey with this installment of Contemplative Writing Prompts for Lent: 12. If you want some background, you can read about it here. Today, on this middle of the week day, I want you to take 5 minutes to make a list of matters you’re on the fence about. Decisions you have to make that are rumbling around in your...

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Contemplative Writing Prompts for Lent: 8

The introduction to this Lenten offering of Contemplative Writing Prompts is explained here. Today, our Contemplative Writing Prompts for Lent: 8 is: Take 5 minutes to list 5 beliefs you carried in childhood that no longer shape your life. Of course, Santa Clause immediately comes to mind, but there are certainly others. Don’t judge...

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Contemplative Writing Prompts for Lent: 5

If you want to read about this seasonal offering of contemplative writing prompts, you can do so here. Otherwise, just dive in for Contemplative Writing Prompts for Lent: 5. Take 20 minutes and write about that one thing at the back of your closet that it’s really, really time to do something with. Discard. Re-purpose. Take a photo for...

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Contemplative Writing Prompts for Lent: Not

Good morning. You might be expecting a Contemplative Writing Prompt for Lent this morning. But the title of this post—Contemplative Writing Prompts for Lent: Not—tells you what you need to know. I won’t be sending a prompt today, as Sundays are not part of Lent. We did not practice Lent this way when I was a child. When I was a kid,...

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Contemplative Writing Prompts for Lent: 3

If you’d like an explanation for this series of posts, peruse this introductory post. Otherwise, feel free to take the next twenty minutes and write on the Contemplative Writing Prompts for Lent 3: For ten minutes, write what is in front of you. Use your five senses. It helps me to make a list down the left side of the page (sight, smell,...

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Contemplative Writing Prompts for Lent

Mardi Gras is over. Lent has come upon us. For the next forty days (or so), those of us who follow the Lenten tradition will be focusing on practices designed to bring us closer to God. The goal is to prepare for Easter’s hallelujah moment of rebirth. This year, I will prepare by using Contemplative Writing Prompts for Lent. Lent and...

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