Contemplative Writing Prompts for Lent: 8
The introduction to this Lenten offering of Contemplative Writing Prompts is explained here. Today, our Contemplative Writing Prompts for Lent: 8 is:
Take 5 minutes to list 5 beliefs you carried in childhood that no longer shape your life. Of course, Santa Clause immediately comes to mind, but there are certainly others. Don’t judge your beliefs, simply write them down.
Now, choose the belief that lies most closely to the edge of, “Have I really given that up?” The belief you are not certain should be on the list, because you might still harbor it inside you. Write on that belief for the next 15 minutes.
Thank you so much for stopping by for this our Contemplative Writing Prompts for Lent: 8.

Contemplative Writing, contemplative writing in Lent, contemplative writing prompts, Lenten disciplines, what should I do for Lent, writing prompts