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Gold foil mini-statue with key to assist yourcontemplative writing prompts for Lent: 24

Contemplative Writing Prompts for Lent

Mardi Gras is over. Lent has come upon us. For the next forty days (or so), those of us who follow the Lenten tradition will be focusing on practices designed to bring us closer to God. The goal is to prepare for Easter’s hallelujah moment of rebirth. This year, I will prepare by using Contemplative Writing Prompts for Lent.

Lent and Contemplative Practices

Traditionally, Lent practices include fasting and prayer and disciplines and other forms of giving up. I gave up giving up many years ago. Now I take on. It’s kind of a distinction without a difference because if you are taking on something new, you have to give up something else to make room for it.

Anyway, this year, I’m taking on one meditative practice each day. It can be Contemplative Writing or swimming or sewing or mindful walking or making crosses or Tai Chi or anything that puts me in a prayer place. My friend Sybil MacBeth would add doodling and Praying in Color to the list. The determinative is whether I use it to access the presence of God.

Writing Prompts and Lent

As part of this Lenten practice, I will be offering Contemplative Writing prompts for Lent. One per day each day here on the blog throughout Lent.

The prompts aren’t hard. Each requires no more than twenty minutes. You can write for more time if you want, or for less. If you can’t figure out what the prompt means, do what you think it means. There is no wrong way to follow the prompt.

The prompts are prompts, which means mere suggestions to use for a contemplative writing practice. As explained on the School for Contemplative Living website, these prompts are designed to move us out of our habitual perspective. To drill inward to move outward and connect with the world. To help us listen to what we need to hear, see connections we didn’t see before, and feel compassion for ourselves and others. They teach us not to be afraid of the epiphany and honor moments of silent absorbing.  

This blog post will be the longest of this Lenten practice. From here forward, the post will simply be the prompt. You will know a post is part of this series by this photo:

Gold foil mini-statue with key that will signal a blog post with Contemplative Writing Prompts for Lent
Gold foil creation from last Lent that will signal a Contemplative Writing Prompt

Preparing for Contemplative Writing Prompts

Here’s where I’m supposed to tell you to find a quiet place, uncross your legs with your feet flat on the floor, and slow your breathing. I don’t do that. I go sit on my front porch in the middle of the world, letting it wash all around me, and I write. My tools are paper and a pen. Others use their computer. I will use the term God or the Universe for what others call a Higher Power or Spirit or who knows what. Often times there will be no mention of any of that. Some of the prompts won’t feel right to you. Maybe give them a try anyway. Or not. We have all of Lent to experiment with this.

Lenten Writing Prompt: 1

Take 3 minutes to make a list of Lenten disciplines you have followed over the years, or what you imagine a Lenten discipline to be.

Take 17 minutes and describe your favorite activity for settling into the presence of God. Where are you? What is your physical position? Who are you with? What time of day is it? Can you hear or smell anything? What are you doing?

Contemplative Writing, contemplative writing prompts for Lent, Lent and contemplative writing, lenten practicies, writing prompts

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