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Happy 2020!

I have come to rely on photos to remind me of the moments in my life, and my husband is the best, most tolerant, helpful, patient (“No, I look horrible.” “No.” “No.” “Okay, that’ll do.”) supportive chronicler in the whole blessed world. New Year’s Eve in New Orleans, 2020 with me in...

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Today, In Memphis

Today, in Memphis, we met a fun new couple who have been leaders in Memphis for decades and live in our downtown neighborhood. How? We went to a coffee shop, in Memphis. Today, in Memphis, I had lunch where one of the most accomplished, energetic, enthusiastic women I’ve ever met, and we plotted to end homelessness and world domination...

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Hats on Parade

So, in searching for photos for a recent blog posts, I was taken with how many of my photos have me in hats. This doesn’t look like it, but it was an Easter hat (with Evangeline) I’m talking about the hats that were NOT costume hats. One of my many grocery store hats, which are my favorite. Even to me, some of these...

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The Inappropriate Dress Gene

There I was, stepping into the gala for the graduating seminarians. The seminarians wore black shirts with white clerical collars. I wore a minidress from Billy Bob’s Chinese Laundry in New Orleans. It was leopard-printed. And flocked.  I can’t help it. I have an Inappropriate Dress Gene.  My mistakes are not fashion faux...

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Ruffles in the Front

I have been a fashion maverick ever since my three-year-old self tugged on her ruffled panties, backwards. “Your panties are on backwards,” my mother said, pointing at my britches as I examined the cascading layers of beautiful white ruffles. “The ruffles go in the back.” “I can’t see them in the back,” I responded and marched confidently...

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The Plates (or chainsaws)

I am a plate juggler. (Or, as my former senior law partner called it, a chainsaw juggler. ) I have a lot of projects going at once. Right now, I’m running as hard as I can after my goal of “getting my work out there.” This gives me five projects in various stages of completion. Here they are. (I don’t expect you to remember...

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