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Gold foil mini-statue with key to assist yourcontemplative writing prompts for Lent: 24

Contemplative Writing Prompts for Lent: 12

We are continuing our journey with this installment of Contemplative Writing Prompts for Lent: 12. If you want some background, you can read about it here.

Today, on this middle of the week day, I want you to take 5 minutes to make a list of matters you’re on the fence about. Decisions you have to make that are rumbling around in your head. Presenting pros and cons. None with an easy answer. The decision can be as simple as what’s for lunch (a decision that can bring me to a screeching halt) or as important as a potential job change. Is a difficult health choice facing you? What to name your child, or picking your grandparent name? Must you forego one thing to pay for another? Write them all down.

Once you have your list, pick the one that seems the easiest and make a list of the emotions the decision brings up in you. Don’t judge the emotions or leave them out because they seem so ridiculous. I’m not trying to figure out why choosing food leaves me asea. I just want to name it. Do this for each decision until 5 minutes before your time is up. Spend the last 5 minutes noting differences and similarities in the emotions of the various decisions.

Hope this Contemplative Writing Prompts for Lent: 12 has given you a quiet time with the Spirit of discernment.

Gold foil mini-statue with key to inspire your Contemplative Writing Prompts for Lent: 12
An image from past Lents to accompany your Contemplative Writing Prompts for Lent: 12

contemplative writing prompts, lent 2024, Lenten disciplines, what is contemplative writing, writing disciplines for lent, writing prompts

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