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Tag: what is contemplative writing

Contemplative Writing Prompts for Lent: 16

I made it back to the pool today. Two bouts of ailments kept me hopping to different doctors trying to figure out what was wrong. They sucked up 20 days of my life, plus recovery between. But, today, finally in the water. Another reason it took me a bit to get back in the groove: I’m going to a new pool. The procedures felt complicated. The...

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Contemplative Writing Prompts for Lent: 12

We are continuing our journey with this installment of Contemplative Writing Prompts for Lent: 12. If you want some background, you can read about it here. Today, on this middle of the week day, I want you to take 5 minutes to make a list of matters you’re on the fence about. Decisions you have to make that are rumbling around in your...

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Contemplative Writing Prompts for Lent: 9

You can read about this Lenten offering here then proceed to the Contemplative Writing Prompts for Lent: 9: If you can, go outside. If not position yourself so you can see outside. Spend 20 minutes making a list of clues. Clues as to what season it is. Clues as to where you are on the earth. Clues to the time of day. What clues does the natural...

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