Contemplative Writing Prompts for Lent: 4
You can read about my offering Contemplative Writing Prompts for Lent, or you can jump right in. Either way, the main thing to remember: there is no wrong way to do these prompts. Here we go: Contemplative Writing Prompts for Lent: 4
Today, take 20 minutes and write your different names for joy. This may be synonyms (e.g., exuberance). It may be your own particular names for joy. (I would include on my list “Evangeline,” because my dog is the embodiment of joy.) It might be experiences of joy (riding a boat on the waves.) It might be attitudes (observation.) And some of your names for joy might require more than one word (towels warm from the dryer.)
The prompt is for words, but if you get to one word and you think, “Ahhhhh,” and want to write about it forever, please go ahead. This version of Contemplative Writing Prompts for Lent: 4 is particularly for you to use as you want. EnJOY!
Contemplative Writing, contemplative writing as a Lenten discipline, Contemplative Writing Practice, contemplative writing prompts for Lent, Lenten disciplines, What to do for Lent?