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My Drugstore

In 2001, I moved to Memphis and became a writer, which is a person who sits at her computer and meets no one. I left behind a busy law practice in Jackson, Mississippi, so the change was a shock. Quiet days at home, on my own in a new city, no outlet to meet people. Then I found Wiles-Smith Drugstore. I never became a fixture at the old-fashioned...

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Old Stories Found

After a long hiatus, I submitted a couple of short stories to literary magazines today. I’ve been working on the new website, mulling over what stories I wanted to include. The website will have a “Photo Bio” featuring a sentence about my life that reflects a dominant themes in my work and a representative photo. Click on the...

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The Good News

When I was young, my mother told me I’d gotten a phone call. I was whining about what terrible news it was certain to be, and she said, “How can it be good news if you don’t leave room for it to be good?” I think of this every time I’m about to open a SASE. You know, the letter that, incredibly, some very high-end...

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A Modern-Day Literary Salon

Susan Cushman, who has an amazing blog at Pen & Palette, hosted a wonderful literary salon at her house on Saturday. Neil White of Triton Press spoke to about thirty-five writers about the hybrid publishing option. I learned many things. I wanted to share a few with you. * When revising, look for scenes hiding in your sentences. Neil encouraged...

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Where I am Now

For those of y’all following my novel(s) saga, I thought you might like an update. Also, I need your support—just getting it out here helps me feel I’m not all alone on this journey! TRAIN TRIP: LUCINDA MAE’S QUEST FOR LOVE, HONOR AND THE CHICKENS, is being read and considered by four agents. Many queries are still outstanding, and I have...

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“We Want the Cycle to Stop”

Please listen to this interview and tell me what headline you’d write for it: (The interview is at A friend posted the NPR interview with the Rev. Willis Johnson, triggered by a photo of him and an 18-year-old young man in the crowd...

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Random Thoughts August 2014

Random Thoughts: * When it comes to what we call domestic violence, we refuse to acknowledge society’s interest in not having someone beat someone else up—if she forgives him, well, we should too * If your brand of religion doesn’t make you joyous to be alive, you might want to rethink that * If anything really bad ever happened to...

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