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The dog’s recovery from surgery is going well. This is from her doggie hip surgery when the hip came out of the socket and wouldn’t go back in. The winds of Ida were only just subsiding, and her vet wasn’t open due to the hurricane, but an emergency vet in Mandeville was doing business. She got great care. The big thing: during rehab, she can’t jump. If you know this dog, you know how hard that is. But we hope in several more weeks, she will be back to running and playing.

Evangeline in happier days

I’m still slogging through the revisions to IN THE NAME OF MISSISSIPPI. I’m working on responding to fantastic feedback I got from a Beta Reader here in New Orleans. Fantastic in the sense she fell in love with the story and offered concrete suggestions on how to nudge it in the right direction. It’s really important to me that readers believe in this story. It motivates me to do YET MORE WORK to try to get it where the story needs to be.

In other news, my niece and godchild had a baby. She named her after my mom (!), and the photos are as cute as it gets. Another niece is getting married this fall. I dredged up this photo from when Tom and I married. My little niece walked me down the aisle. Now she’s getting married. Time flows on.

1999, when I was 42 but we both look like babies

Speaking of babies, we kept our two-year-old grandson for 5 days…and survived!!! He is the happiest baby. He cried once while we had him. Once. I don’t know what they are feeding him in Memphis, but he is a child of great joy who brings us great joy. Combine that with our new routine of picking up our two New Orleans grandsons once a week after school, and all is right with the world.

Take care, y’all.

Dog Hip Surgery, In the Name of Mississippi

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