Waiting with Baited Breath
As far as where my writing stands, I know y’all await the latest news with bated breath (which if only it were spelled “baited breath” would mean your breath smells like an earthworm wiggling on the hook.) So you’ll be glad to hear that IN THE NAME OF MISSISSIPPI is with the 2nd round of Beta Readers. By the time this round is over, I will have gotten feedback from a group of extraordinarily impressive reviewers. If the story still sucks, it will be nobody’s fault but my own.
In the meantime, as the readers read and the virus consumes all of my emotional energy, I will amuse myself by revising JAZZY AND THE PIRATES…again. Here’s the collection I’ve put on my bulletin board to encourage me to get in the groove:

That’s a feather from the Jean Lafitte collection, because Jean Lafitte the pirate king returns from the dead to save New Orleans from the floodwaters of Hurricane Katrina.
A tiny switchblade, because Jazzy uses a tiny switchblade.
A medallion from the New Orleans brewery shaped like a ship’s wheel, because much of the novel occurs on Jazzy’s grandmother’s house-turned-pirate-ship.
And a pirate pencil sharpener, because…pirates!
What have you been doing lately? Are you writing? Or has all that been drained away by the effort it’s taking just to stay alive these days?
Joe Hawes
I guess a bulletin board can also work, although this did remind me of Faulkner’s sketch of a novel on the wall of a room in Rowan Oak. Real writers do stuff like that
Ellen Morris Prewitt
I bought this bulletin board so I could use it to encourage me. If I go stark raving mad and start scribbling on the walls, I’ll let you know. 🙂
Writing poetry, rewriting short stories, taking an on-line course offered by Driftwood Press, drinking martinis, reading, avoiding ALL news, walking every day, emailing my friends – livin’ my best life in a covid bubble. Can’t wait for the vaccine.
Ellen Morris Prewitt
Short stories, yay! I hope when they’re ready you will share with your readers. You are smart to avoid the news; it invariably sends me into a hyperdrive of anxiety. And walking every day. Really, it all sounds lovely. <3
Amy Wilson
Yes I’m writing though it’s often on the back of doctor appointment reminder letters and a “note” can easily sit on the same sheet as a recipe I hear on radio, usually NPR… Yes I’m writing letters to friends often in my head before I pick up the phone and, like Andy Warhol, call them. Or thank you notes to my sister in law who sends unnecessary “home aids” of plastic like a sock putter onner. It’s a bit loopy, but an anthropologist might find it meaningful in a hundred years….
Ellen Morris Prewitt
Amy, I love the image of writing letters in your head before you pick up the phone; I didn’t know that about Andy Warhol. So glad to hear you are writing. You have the start of a story with your line about the loving, but misguided, sister-in-law…I love your voice.
Marie A Bailey
I love this idea of having an inspirational bulletin board! I haven’t been writing much. I am trying to “check in” at my blog, keep myself on track to ditch the day job in a couple of months, and then I should be writing 🙂
Ellen Morris Prewitt
I think the inspirational bulletin board worked–I’ve torn up that draft and started all the hell over again! You have so much in front of you. I’m excited for you and can’t wait to hear about your journey.
Joanne Corey
Yay for your board! Yay for revisions!
I’ve been getting some blog posts and poems done, especially because Binghamton Poetry Project has been up these past five weeks. I need to start writing holiday cards….
Ellen Morris Prewitt
My husband just asked me if we were going to send holiday cards this year. I do expect, particularly this year, it may be important. Best to you.
Joanne Corey
Still haven’t started on cards yet. Maybe tomorrow…
They are usually a high priority for me, but the last couple of years I’ve needed help. Last year, I actually sent letters to some of my friends in November and let my daughter and husband do the cards in December. I’m trying to do it myself this year.
Ellen Morris Prewitt
I haven’t made the first step towards cards so we shall see. We did light our Advent candle today…though, as my husband pointed out, it was in a candelabra rather than a wreath.