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Tag: ellen morris prewitt

Spring Cleaning, Writer’s Style

In a type of spring cleaning, writer’s style, I’ve freshened up a couple of pages on the website. My Home page is more direct and shorter (you’re welcome.) Same goes for the About Me page, which is also more personal. Previously the page was all about my writing career, leading me to ask, What, you have no you other than writing?...

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Books and Beyond

I loved being at the Benjamin L. Hooks Central Library this morning for the library’s Books and Beyond Book Club. I was pleased they had me, and they were warm and gracious. I had a prepared a talk, but they had questions right out of the gate. We wound up talking for an hour and a half. It was wide-ranging. The ostensible topic was my...

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The Chick in the Eye Patch

On the flight to Jerusalem,  I watched my Israeli seat mate, a seasoned traveler, do a nifty trick with her contacts, using no water. I followed suit, and two days later I couldn’t see out of my right eye. Of all things, one of the priests on our trip had been an ophthalmologist before taking his orders. “The human eye,” he said, “is the fastest...

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A Time of Firsts

I’m so excited! The new website is up and running, and I’m celebrating my firsts. The first blog post on my new website. The first chance I’ve gotten to publicly thank my website designer, Michelle Touchette, the most talented, patient designer in the world. The first time I’ve been a literal “talking head”—for...

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Cheers to the Buzzing Mosquito

How do you choose to get your work out there? This question—ebook or print?—is raging on LinkedIn. Sprinkled in but treated as an annoying buzzing mosquito of a distraction—quit bringing this up!— are a handful of posts about audio. I am the buzzing mosquito. Here, at Cain’t Do Nothing with Love, we are living in an audio world. “Written...

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