DIY Saturday
I needed a place to read my Walter Mosley mystery so I put together the porch cot.

The last two years, I’ve put together lots of furniture in this house. Some of it was easier than others, like these pieces:

Others were harder, like these sets of shelves:

I guess I technically put this side table together, but it was more of a design: add a tray to a discarded garden table:

And here is my piece de resistance:

I’m getting out the bookplates on TRACKING HAPPINESS: A SOUTHERN CHICKEN ADVENTURE. If you want one, use the Contact form, and I’ll mail it to you. As they said in the 1950s when twin beds gave way to the double, “They are VERY popular.” As Lucinda says, “I personally don’t see the point of being in business with chickens if you aren’t gonna be nice to them.”

Speaking of beds, I’m now off to the garden to add stepping-stones to the soon-to-be flower/crops bed. Being productive makes me feel so good!

2018 beach books, 2018 Beach Reads, be nice to chickens, Best beach reads 2018, chicken novels, funny beach books 2018, Tracking Happiness: A Southern Chicken Adventure, Walter Mosley