Contemplative Writing Prompts for Lent: 2
If you’d like an explanation for this series of posts, peruse this introductory post. Otherwise, feel free to take the next twenty minutes and write on the prompt:
Take five minutes and make a list of compromises you’ve made in life.
Now take the next fifteen minutes and write on one of these compromises. Was it within yourself or with someone else? How long had the issues been percolating? How did the moment of decision feel?
Remember: there is no wrong way to do the prompt. You may be creating a new variation!
Contemplative Writing, contemplative writing as a Lenten discipline, contemplative writing prompts for Lent, Lenten disciplines, writing contemplatively
Joanne Corey
I’m struck by the phrase “moment of decision.” I remember telling people back in the days when I was home with our daughters that it was not one decision that I made but one that I made over and over. Circumstances would change, the girls reached school age, health issues cropped up among multiple generations of our family, etc. and I would have to reevaluate and make the decision all over again.
Ellen Morris Prewitt
So perhaps beads of decision on a long string? We spend our lives threading that string…