Contemplative Writing Prompts for Lent: 32
Just a reminder about these Contemplative Writing Prompts for Lent: 32. I’ve done my best to offer prompts to help us see anew. That includes re-seeing ourselves, the world around us, and the act of writing. You can read more about this practice at the School for Contemplative Living website.
Seeing anew doesn’t require a big shift. Just, say, a fifteen degree tilt. Practicing this tilt through writing seeds it inside of us. Then, as we walk through the world, we can more easily see our situation, our neighbors, our problems, our solutions. You can call that epiphany anything you want. I choose to call it Sophia or the wisdom of God.
Today, for your practice, take five minutes to make a list of twenty things you love. Listing twenty things in only five minutes means you’re writing quickly. Trust your subconscious to fill out the list. Don’t be afraid to write down the everyday thing as well as that which occupies vast territory in your heart.
For part two, take your list and pair loves that don’t usually bump up against each other. Be open to any epiphanies the new pairings show you.

Contemplative Writing, contemplative writing prompts, contemplative writing prompts for Lent, writing for lent, writing prompts for Lent