Contemplative Writing Prompts for Lent: 27
Contemplative Writing Prompts for Lent: 27! Twenty-seven! How is that even possible? It startles me, that number—could I really have been going this long? Seems like we started last week. And it gives us our prompt for the day.
When was a time you were truly startled? It might have been when you were physically, unexpectedly awoken. Or, as I recently did, saw the most amazing bugs at the New Orleans Insectarium (and ate a cricket!) Or perhaps it was a spiritual awakening. When you saw yourself so clearly, it startled you. Or saw God so clearly. Or saw God in you.
Write about this for twenty minutes. Don’t be afraid to go back and forth: physical startle to spiritual startle to ahhh—now I see.

Contemplation and writing, Contemplative Writing, contemplative writing prompts, writing during Lent, writing prompts, writing prompts for Lent