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Quick Like

A quick post to let you know I’m on page 62 of Jazzy and the Pirate! This is big news. I’ve been researching and researching and organizing research and organizing research some more. Now I’m writing. And I’m, like, a fifth of the way done! That’s all. Oh, and I’m trying to add a Like button to my posts. That...

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How to Display Millions of Kids’ Photos

I call our apartment in New Orleans our “grand baby apartment.” We never would’ve leased the apartment and begun spending half our time in the Crescent City but for the presence of our grandson in the city. Consequently, I knew I wanted a way to display photos of the boy. I also knew the boy would grow, and I would want to display...

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Boro Sack Repair

I’ve been trying this new boro sewing, which is a form of reverse patching. Unlike normal patching, the patch is on the inside of the tear and the stitching on the outside. This exposure of the repair job really appeals to me. Here are my ripped jeans repaired when I decided the rips were getting out of hand. My ripped jeans repaired the...

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Ellen’s Amazing Adventure

Our five days of babysitting duties completed, we restarted our day with “second breakfast.” It being Carnival season and all, we chose this as our sumptuous second breakfast treat. King Cake from Cake Cafe–ours was apple and goat cheese, the cafe’s specialty Then we hit the road to Bay St. Louis, a small town on the Mississippi...

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In Honor of 2016: 16 Things Easily Lost

Names of acquaintances not recently seen My temper when someone I love is being bullied Anything being transported between Memphis and New Orleans How to spell “wierd” … um, “weird” Me, driving anywhere My glasses, which I rarely wear and when I do, I take them off and on, off and on—now where are they? A race against Evangeline,...

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Grow a Brain

One year at Christmas I took home a brain. On the drive up, we had stopped at a Cracker Barrel and amongst the clutter of all that Made in China crap, I found a brain kit. (This is a true story). The brain kit fit my budget—less than five bucks—and the checkout line was short enough to justify the wait, so I forked over my money and bought the...

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A New Blog by a New Writerly Friend

When I became self-hosted my reblogging abilities diminished, but I want to share a link to a new blog begun by a writer I recently met. She combines images and words. Her poetry fits my definition of a good poem, which is when I don’t know what the next word will be. Scroll through her entries and enjoy. https://mockmortality.wordpres...

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A Different Kind of Christmas

I am slow, behind. Your blog posts are going unread. My head reels with thoughts of sofas and chairs and what to do with the table in the kitchen? I am furnishing an entire beach house in my head (and on Pinterest). When these sortings graciously step aside for a moment, Jazzy and the Pirate rushes in, insisting on being finished. Finished—ha!...

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