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First, There is Racism

When my husband and I built our house at Pickwick Lake, we built it into the high bluffs that circle the lake. In order for this to work, the architect had to take steel beams and drive them through the shifting mud until he hit bedrock. The house was thus anchored and then built around these beams. I keep thinking of this image as I ponder the...

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Taking It Up a Notch

Finished. Yeah, right. Anyway, I’ve finished reading The Bone Trench out loud. That took nine days. This weekend, I reworked a query letter and wrote a new synopsis, one page. These two documents have now been sent to my paid editor Gretchen so she can work her magic. I don’t want to burden you with the entire documents. But here’s...

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Easter Questions

My priest today said during the Easter season to keep asking questions, so here are mine: * Why do we ask, “Why didn’t she leave him?” Why don’t we ask, “Why does he keep hitting her?” * Can we view the world as a blob rather than a pyramidal hierarchy or dichotomy? No more top and bottom; no more this and that. Can we see it as us in one messy...

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