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The Order of Our Universe

My husband thought I was going to leave him because I learned how to turn on the TV. Friday night, he was late coming home from work, and the seventh game of the World Series was starting—I was motivated. Two controls is one more than I can handle (I’ve learned not to look for an “on” button) but when he came through the door, there I was, watching...

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You Will Offend Everyone but Terrorists

Give people a story that echoes with familiarity yet rings brand new. I had that thought several days ago, which was followed yesterday by this quote from Harding Davis courtesy of A.Word.A.Day (which I love): “The secret of good writing is to say an old thing in a new way or a new thing in an old way.” I love the old echo. I also...

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Making a Connection

I reactivate this blog, and Michael dies. Yesterday, I was all pumped up about creativity and possibility. I was infused with enthusiasm, drunk on inspiration and the power of the Spirit. Today, Michael died. I am bewildered by what happened: how can a man who wrote about his change of luck, whose last article was about finding a new safe place...

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Reactivating the blog, which has taken me through the maze of remembering my password, changing the email (because they thought they’d sent me an email to an address that I couldn’t remember ever having set up – no chance I’d remember the password to THAT) and re-familiarizing myself with how to add a new post. Take a...

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The Fashion Model Detective Novel

First, an earring went missing. Just the one earring, not the pair, which made no sense. Yet, when the model stepped from the runway and whirled into the dressing room, laughing and delighted at the success of the show—there was the singleton earring. Gordon’s Jewelers, the store showing the earrings, was upset that an expensive piece of jewelry...

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