Writing in Troubling Times: Join Us!

Register now for what promises to be a great Zoom conversation about writing in troubling times.
Jarvis knows what he’s talking about—he wrote for the Times-Pic newspaper during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. His Pulitzer Prize-winning columns are searing, weaving the personal and communal with grace, wit, and truth-telling. How did he do that? How can WE do that? Come listen and find out!
If you’re a reader, you’ll want to hear Jarvis’s words.
If you’re a writer, you’ll want to hear his wisdom.
We’ll be on Zoom beginning @ 6:30 this Thursday the 23rd.
The conversation is sponsored by One Book One New Orleans in connection with their 2022 pick, Jarvis’s I Feel to Believe.
conversations with Jarvis DeBerry, Hurricane Katrina writing, I Feel to Believe, Jarvis DeBerry, One Book One New Orleans, Talking about writing, Writing as a process, writing in troubling times
Joanne Corey
Thanks for the opportunity, Ellen.
Ellen Morris Prewitt
You’re welcome!