What I Accomplished in 2018
planted 140 daffodil bulbs
published a novel

established a garden with an old cot as a trellis for the passion vine to attract butterflies
published an audio book (this is NOT double counting; the audio book was damn hard)
launched a podcast (which fizzled, but this post isn’t about failures of 2018)
made a diorama of myself

readied a 2nd novel for publication in 2019 (Model for Deception, a cozy mystery)
readied a 3rd novel The Hart Women for publication in a hand-bound edition in 2019 (this was skin-of-the-teeth; I finished revising and got it to the artist on December 28)
why do all my accomplishments require a parenthetical explanation?
worked as a poll greeter for the first time in my life (my candidate won)
got 2 new author photos (my husband said the photo I was using made me look like a librarian; he wasn’t saying I looked smart)

designed and hung a shelf for Hebron’s wooden bowls

visited my mother in North Carolina 5 times
mourned the death of my father-in-law and my friend Roderick Baldwin
published a short story in a newly discovered journal and another story in a new Memphis newspaper

celebrated a novel (Jazzy and the Pirates) placing in the finals of a contest
visited Chucalissa Village for the first time
sold the family business
was featured by Australian Sandie O’Neill in her Licence to Create series
survived an interview on TV
wore silver lame pants in public

flew twice (in a plane, but for me that’s AMAZING)
and last but not least something that hardly qualifies as an accomplishment but is awesome: I saw a bobcat saunter down my driveway
How will you top all this in 2019?! All the best to you, Ellen. I will continue to follow your success stories in my usual combination of envy, awe and appreciation of your talent and hard work.
Ellen Morris Prewitt
I could plant 141 daffodils bulbs? (ha, ha). Looking forward to reading your fabulous work in 2019 as well (which I always read and think, dang, I need to do better with my writing). Happy New Year to you!
Joanne Corey
Wow! What a year! Wishing you many more accomplishments in 2019!
Ellen Morris Prewitt
Thank you. I made this list because I wondered where 2018 went. For the last 3 years, I’ve had major events (replaced both my hips, built a beachhouse, sold my house/downsized/etc). This year wasn’t like that. So it feels less substantial, and I appreciate your support.
Hilary Custance Green
I am happily applauding, good for you!
Ellen Morris Prewitt
Thank you! Onward and upward!