Weather + Me
Soon, I will be able to show you this year’s decorations for Mardi Gras. But I’m waiting until the cold, cold, cold passes to put them up. That is supposed to happen today, so perhaps on Tuesday.
This icy weather got me stuck in Jackson for several days. More importantly, it derailed the schedule I created January 1 (and was following) to be able to swim the Gulf. My goal is to swim a mile in the Gulf by August 31. I set the deadline because I can’t swim in the Gulf when it’s cold. So there is an obviously a great deal of flexibility to that–I probably have to November, in all honesty. In other words, I’m not panicking. One thing I’ve admired about myself with this swimming: I kept getting derailed, and keep returning to it. That’s not historically like me. But maybe now it is.
I haven’t been writing. I’ve been submitting. Which does require a lot of writing (author bio, MC description, marketing plan), but none of it is fun writing. I did create an oral story and gave it at a Moth-like story-telling hour in Bay St. Louis. But I wrote it in my head and never put it on paper–I wanted it to be oral all the way. If I had written it, I might have seen how I could tweak the ending to make it better. As in all of life, live and learn.
How are you doing with the weather and life in general?
peace in creativity, Ellen
Your story at STORY SLAM was wonderful!!
Ellen Morris Prewitt
As was yours–you can never forget that proposal!
Mary Margaret Hicks
There are worse places to be stuck than Jackson. Glad you are okay. Many people in Memphis have been without water since about Tuesday or Wednesday and MLGW doesn’t have an ETA when all the broken lines will be repaired. At the Parkway House, we can get water in the basement and lug it back to our units. At least we have power and heat.
Prayers that all your unfun writing brings joy and happiness in the end.
I am forever gratful for all the gifts, joys, stories, conversations and laughter we have had together and with others.
Ellen Morris Prewitt
Someone told me Memphis was under a boil water notice, and I was like, Memphis?!? She said, yes, it had become common over the last several years. I’m glad you’ve got access to some, though regret the lugging for you. That’s what I keep telling myself: yes, it’s cold, but we have water and electricity.
Thank you for your prayers. I do sometimes think the writing has just been a vehicle to meet wonderful people. ❤️
Joanne Corey
I agree that submissions are not fun. Neither are the waiting to hear back and the rejections, but all part of the process, blah, blah.
Congrats on the story-telling! That sounds like a lot of fun!
We’ve had a pretty mild winter here in the central NY/PA border area, although it would probably still seem cold to you. I managed to post on my blog every day in January and am over halfway through revisions of my full-length poetry collection to prepare for work with a professional editor this spring. We leave Friday for London to visit our family there for almost two weeks. At least there are no blizzards on the horizon for the day we fly!
Ellen Morris Prewitt
The storytelling was fun! I’ve done a lot of speaking in front of groups, but this was different. It was interesting to experience the audience as I was telling personal story.
Ha, ha. I bet your “mild” would seem cold to me. We discovered today we have no insulation under the house. None. Below our wood floor is air. We shall fix that.
A full-length poetry collection is so exciting. Also posting every day in January, such a feat. I offer you traveling mercies on your trip to London–enjoy!