Tag: hurricane katrina
Two weeks ago, this bed was fill dirt. Before that, it was a driveway, a leftover scar from Hurricane Katrina.
The bare former driveway. I wish I’d taken a shot of the mountain of dirt we had delivered (but not spread) on the empty driveway. It took a lot of shoveling to get the mountain dispersed.
The storm, which hit in 2005,...
Writing as Hope
Written by Ellen Morris Prewitt on . Posted in GOD, Racism to Reconciliation, Writing. 12 Comments on Writing as Hope
Romans 8:24-25
24 But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have? 25 But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.
I am working on a trilogy. The first novel is in the hands of my agent. He’s had it for two years. He hasn’t sold it . . . yet. This novel is THE BONE TRENCH. Here’s the...
I Live in a Post-Katrina World
Written by Ellen Morris Prewitt on . Posted in General, GRIEF. 2 Comments on I Live in a Post-Katrina World
When I was a child, one of my favorite places at my grandparent’s farm was the hill above the big lake. There, a square of concrete hid beneath the pasture grass. In the springtime, yellow and white daffodils pushed through the grass and bloomed in swaying clumps. Someone had planted the flowers; they spilled down the hill. We children...
Three Novels in the Air
Written by Ellen Morris Prewitt on . Posted in General. 12 Comments on Three Novels in the Air
As most of you know, three agents are currently reading the revised manuscript of Train Trip: Lucinda Mae’s Quest for Love, Honor, and the Chickens.
Death Enters the Story
Written by Ellen Morris Prewitt on . Posted in General. 5 Comments on Death Enters the Story
I just finished mapping out the last fifty pages of the new Katrina novel, Jazzy. I don’t begin writing with an outline; I begin with a character and a situation. As I write, I jot down a bare-bones outline of what I think is coming next. Often this turns out to be untrue. Sometimes I go back and outline what I’ve written, to see...