Tag: editing
For those of you concerned about me after my Great Public Failure (I didn’t get an agent, to put this in perspective), here’s my current game plan:
* send the Train Trip query to the paid-editor for tweaking: STATUS: DONE
* send Model for Detective (When her model partner disappears, a Memphis fashion model uses her “clothes...
The Power of the Ear
Written by Ellen Morris Prewitt on . Posted in General. 4 Comments on The Power of the Ear
How many words are there in the entire universe yet, in an 86,000 word novel, how many times in the last, read-aloud review have I run across the same word used again within a breath of itself?
“You, in point of fact, are still over dry land,” my observant friend pointed out.
Or words with an unintended rhyming effect:
(d) Whatever
Written by Ellen Morris Prewitt on . Posted in General. 2 Comments on (d) Whatever
I’ve found a rhythm. While my editor in Oregon has Train Trip, I’m working on another novel. The first round, I was in Memphis and I revised Bone Trench, a Christian fantasy novel set in Memphis. Second round, I was down in New Orleans so I finished (!) Jazzy, a Katrina novel. This round—hopefully the last—I’m revising A...
Evangeline! Evangeline! Come Talk to Me!
Written by Ellen Morris Prewitt on . Posted in General. No Comments on Evangeline! Evangeline! Come Talk to Me!
I have such trouble switching gears. When I’m creating new work, I want to keep creating new work. When I’m revising, re-visioning, and re-writing, all I want to do is edit.
This makes transition days less than productive. When I come off ten days of re-write and arrive at the edge of my first draft, needing to plunge into...
Don’t Talk—Edit
Written by Ellen Morris Prewitt on . Posted in General. 2 Comments on Don’t Talk—Edit
Oh my goodness—I just typed “THE END” on the Door of Hope writing group’s book!
It’s not the end. But the hard part is over. The assembling of five years of handwritten pieces; the typing of those pieces by volunteer typists. The merging of all that work into a single document that can be called a manuscript. And...