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Tag: creative synthesis

The God Moment

I am struggling to get at something. The thing is important, undiminished by my fuzziness as to exactly what it is. It has to do with what is important in this world. Not what we are told should be important. But, for me, what is, in fact, important. The triggering event: I was sitting in writing group listening to the writers read their work...

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Peace in Creativity: A Statement of Belief

At some point along the line, I began using as my email sign-off phrase, “peace in creativity.” I don’t remember the trigger. Maybe a combination of the traditional “religious folks” sign-off (peace) plus “creativity” as a variation of the title of my book (“Making Crosses: A Creative Connection...

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Why I Have Decided to Podcast My Short Stories

In filing new query letters for my short story collection, I came across an old document. The year was 2007. The list identified agents who asked for stories or the entire manuscript. There were many. I chose one. The agent I picked was not good for me. I piddled around with him for four years, only to ultimately part ways, my fiction unsold. I’m...

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The Land Behind Pickwick Lake

One novel is under consideration by two publishers and an agent. Another is with a final set of readers. I’m revising my first set of interlocking short stories. Suddenly, I’m running like a well-oiled writing machine. These very early short stories are good. Their problems lie mostly in mechanics. Too many words to describe simple movements....

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Pardon My Eruptions

You can know that the poor don’t have many things. You can know that the poor often don’t have cars. You can know that the poor must rely on public transportation. You may even know that public transportation runs on limited hours. But until you know that Jimmy can’t get to his heart cath because it was scheduled at 6am and...

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