Contemplative Writing Prompts for Lent: 6
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In his book Jesus and the Disinherited, Howard Thurman describes standing next to his mother watching Halley’s Comet pass. Her hand on his shoulder, he felt absolute awe. He experienced the two of them watching the sky as, “The silence was like that of absolute motion.”
Can you take 20 minutes and sink into the silence of absolute motion with your writing? Then raise your head and look around, having forgotten all the worries that were crowding your brain before you began forming the words? Use this prompt:
Describe a moment of awe you experienced as a child. Where were you? Who was with you, perhaps a person or a dog or horse? Or were you alone in your awe? What was holding your attention?
Hope you find this Contemplative Writing Prompt awesome. 🙂

Contemplative Writing, contemplative writing for Lent, contemplative writing promps, Lenten disciplines