Contemplative Writing Prompts for Lent: 17
There comes a time when you don’t want to do this. It rolls up on you and, before you know it, you’re worn out. I think Lent is a time to experience that weariness fully. We are on Day 17 of our Contemplative Writing Prompts for Lent, and I am ready for it to be over. I want to move onto the next thing. This posting is no longer new. It’s beginning to slog into work. They “why” of it is dimming.
IRL, this is when I keep doing whatever I’ve been led to do until I hear God yell, “Stop!” One time, I read that constantly examining your marriage is like repeatedly pulling up a houseplant by its roots to see how it’s growing. Not good. With me, if I’ve received a prod from the Spirit to step onto a path, I try not to ask repeatedly, “Are you sure? Are you STILL sure?”
So let’s move on to today.
Take something you are weary of. It’s dragged on too long. You are ready for it to come to a conclusion. For 20 minutes, right about the benefits of it dragging past its due date in the most saccharine, Polly-Annish way possible. Be sarcastic. Outrageous even. Have fun as you make fun. Then stand up. Stretch your arms over your head. And get back to it.

contemplative writing prompts, contemplative writing prompts for Lent, Contemplative Writing Prompts for Lent: 17, lent 2024, writing prompts, writing prompts for Lent