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Easter 2019: How Did I Get Here?

My Lenten practice wasn’t random. This year, I chose to create one thing of beauty each day of Lent (Lent is 40 days). I might not have articulated it on day one, but I chose this discipline in contravention of the more traditional view of Lent as a time of deprivation, penitence, and “doing without” as a cleansing process...

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Easter Saturday 2019: The Beatitudes

³“Blessed are the poor in spirit,    for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.⁴Blessed are those who mourn,    for they will be comforted.⁵Blessed are the meek,    for they will inherit the earth.⁶Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,    for they will be filled.⁷Blessed are the merciful,    for they will be shown mercy.⁸Blessed...

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They Won

Every article begins with the story of How They Lost. The defeat, the humiliation, the unprecedented collapse. But, last night, one year later, the story was of How They Won. In another time and long ago, I went to the University of Virginia. I was young when I arrived, only seventeen years old. I wanted to go to a BIG, GOOD school, and...

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Hats on Parade

So, in searching for photos for a recent blog posts, I was taken with how many of my photos have me in hats. This doesn’t look like it, but it was an Easter hat (with Evangeline) I’m talking about the hats that were NOT costume hats. One of my many grocery store hats, which are my favorite. Even to me, some of these...

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The Inappropriate Dress Gene

There I was, stepping into the gala for the graduating seminarians. The seminarians wore black shirts with white clerical collars. I wore a minidress from Billy Bob’s Chinese Laundry in New Orleans. It was leopard-printed. And flocked.  I can’t help it. I have an Inappropriate Dress Gene.  My mistakes are not fashion faux...

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Dogs in the Bed

I have a history of unhealthy, deranged harassment of the dogs in my bed (we’re talking canine dogs, not human ones). For little Providence—sweet, gentle, patient Yorkie Providence—it was the Middle of the Night Companion Call. Everyone in the bed would be sleeping. Snore, snore, snore. Except me. My eyeballs shone in the dark....

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