Beware the Crazy Toilet
I wasn’t asking for much. I only needed to pee. But the toilet had a mind of its own. It kept flushing. An automatic flusher. Annoying, show-offy, overachieving toilet. Making that whooshing noise then shooting water into the bowl like a Yellowstone geyser on steroids.
I jumped up. If you think I’m gonna sit there and let a mad toilet spray dirty toilet water into my private places, you’ve got another thing coming.
It quieted. I sat back down . . . in an incorrect, insulting manner apparently because the toilet got angry again. Really flipped its lid. Whoosh! It attacked.
This time when I rose, I twisted to check out the gizmos. Toilets shouldn’t have gizmos. They should have a handle and a tank with a porcelain top that you raise only when you’re certain it’s about to overflow and you need to lift the rubber ball and hold it out of the water or jiggle the chain. Or something.
The gizmos looked okay. Just a black button the size of a pea with a sign that read: “Press to flush.” I wasn’t pressing. It was flushing anyway.
Feeling like a gullible fool, I gingerly sat down again. And finished. And stood up. It didn’t flush.
Stupid-ass defective toilet.
When I exited the stall and washed my hands, a woman wandered into the washroom (have I mentioned I was at a Mississippi “The Hospitality State” rest area?) The woman looked lost. I thought to warn her about the aggressive toilet, but she instinctively chose the handicapped stall. She didn’t need my help. If I could remember exactly which rest stop I was at, I’d tell you. Someone needs to do something with that toilet.

derrick knight
Humorous take on a damper of an experience. Do you know any toilet seats that stay in place by any chance?
Ellen Morris Prewitt
Now, don’t even get me started on toilet seats, high untrustworthy things that they are. 🙂
Joe Hawes
Just wait until you encounter a Japanese toilet. You can choose your music along with other things….
Ellen Morris Prewitt
I am not a fan of toilets. Give me a simple one that does its job so I never have to think about toilets. If life could be so easy. Sigh.
Joe Hawes
But in some places in Japan there are signs explaining how to use “sit” toilets, which suggests that simpler facilities can be found in the rural countryside
Ellen Morris Prewitt
The complex toilet is a sign of the downfall of a civilization.
Hilary Custance Green
I think I’ve met this toilet’s first cousin – very disconcerting.
Hilary Custance Green
I think I have met this toilet’s first cousin – very disconcerting.
Ellen Morris Prewitt
Ha! These toilets gang up together—I knew it!