Around the World in Love
What do London and San Francisco have in common?
They are the top two cities downloading my short stores.
Where in Canada—the third highest download site—are listeners downloading the stories?
Everywhere but Nova Scotia—Nova Scotia don’t like Cain’t Do Nothing with Love.
After France, what’s the next most popular country downloading the stories?
Where do Moscow and St. Petersburg fit in?
Right after Queensland and Victoria in Australia.
Who’s next?
Beijing and Frankfurt.
In all these cities, people are downloading and listening to this writer—moi—read her very Southern short stories. Only 22% of my downloads are state-side (that’s how us globe-trotters say ‘within the United States’). The highest cities, other than San Fran, are Memphis (no surprise there), DC (my niece Taylor must be singing my praises), New Orleans (another home city), Seattle and LA.
How much does all this multi-country downloading activity add up to?
When I began this experiment, never would I have imagined so many people around the world would be listening to my words.
It warms the cockles of my heart. A sentence that makes me want to Google ‘cockles’ to see what it means.
If you haven’t listened to the stories, you can do so here.
The London-San Francisco-Moscow crowd says you’ll be glad you did. 🙂

audio short stories, Cain't Do Nothing with Love, Southern Short Stories