Take That, Facebook
It’s not often you have a major impact in the world. So it is with great pride that I announce Facebook is set to lose $10 billion this year.
Sure, I appreciate the help of the other 499,999 users who left the platform in the last quarter of 2021. I could not have done it without them. Particularly, I want to thank the young people. The world is never changed without the flocking of young people to Tic-Tok (Tick-Tock. Tic-Tock. TicTok). We can always count on young people to declare such dinosaurs as Facebook passee (do people say passee anymore? do they say young people?).
I take solace in knowing that Facebook’s scummy economic model lured in institutions far more savvy than I, such as The Washington Post. Hi! We’re Free! Create an Author Page! But we won’t show anyone your Author Page unless you buy ads with us. Ads aren’t free! We all slid into that mud pit. I have climbed out, but….
My Involved Body Parts
The news of Facebook’s decline could not come at a better time. It does my heart good, and I need a good heart. My nose is no longer on my face, having cut it off to get to get back at a global giant that could care less whether I was reading their ads or buying their ads. Ha, Facebook! Kiss that $10 billion goodbye like a French chef.
Where Lies the Future?
Of course, I continue to prop up Instagram, also owned by the big F, but perhaps not for long.
For some reason, the app has decided what I want to watch more than anything in the world are stupid baby videos. Babies dancing. Babies thrusting their hips in suggestive ways. Babies licking dogs. What in the world is there in my content that encourages this? Which is another way of asking: where are the stupid Godzilla videos?

Joseph Hawes
There ate Godzilla videos??
This.changes everything
Ellen Morris Prewitt
I have several friends who are still on Instagram though they swore off Facebook. Not sure I understand the thinking behind that, but I’ll trust y’all (is that an appropriation? if it is, please pretend I wrote “you guys”) know what you’re doing. I continue to find my friends where they are because I’m an addict to know what’s going on and obviously not strong enough to hold out!!!!
Ellen Morris Prewitt
Ha, funny about “y’all”! I always notice when someone down here says, what are you guys doing? It’s so unusual, I’m like, where might you be from? The FB v IG thing: FB’s already there for me in terms unacceptable influence. IG might be getting there. So I’ll stay on IG a bit longer until the next revelation comes out….
Julia coggins
Good for you Gogi!! I still am using it. But Jesse is addicted to it. I am not that bad. Take care and let’s watch Zuke cry together!! Haha
Ellen Morris Prewitt
I thought it would be really hard to leave, and I do have moments of wondering what people I only kept up with on FB are up to, but in terms of my day-to-day, I almost immediately forgot about it. I was shocked!
Julia coggins
It seems To me to be a connection to high school friends who are mostly like
Me. Crazy lefties. St. Andrews was sort of like that.
Ellen Morris Prewitt
Yes, I miss folks from my past who I only reconnected with on FB. Never once having been to a reunion of any kind….(Yay for crazy lefties!)
Julia coggins
Yep! Exactly.
Ellen Morris Prewitt