1000 Listeners
Many years ago, I read excerpts from Write Your Heart Out on the local NPR affiliate. In response, the book’s author, my friend and mentor Rebecca McClanahan, said, “Thank you for sharing my words.” Ever since, I’ve had a very specific goal with my writing: getting my words shared.

Followers of this blog know that, right now, I’m in Phase 2 of an audio experiment. My short story collection, Cain’t Do Nothing with Love, was released on podibooks.com on December 28, 2013 (last year, can you believe it’s no longer 20103?). When the collection was released, podiobooks.com—which has over 4000 followers—tweeted it out.
New release! Cain’t Do Nothing With Love by Ellen Morris Prewitt http://t.co/wdWURSBppn
They also included notification of the new release on their podiobooks blog .
In the next seven days, almost 1300 downloads were recorded.

Honestly, I have no idea how this compares with other new releases. I don’t know if all the recorded downloads are folks actually listening. What I do know is that the chance of my words being heard has increased exponentially. Given my long-term goal, I consider that a success. Thank you, podiobooks.com
If you’ve listened to the stories, would you please to go to iTunes and rate/comment on the podcast? It would be very helpful.
Remember: You Cain’t Do Nothing with Love
audio books, audio short stories, audio stories, Cain't Do Nothing with Love, free short stories, growing your listeners, listeners, podiobooks.com, writing goals
Ellen Morris Prewitt
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