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The temperature dropped to 26 degrees. In New Orleans. But our pipes didn’t burst.

The sun came out. Yes, it took its own sweet time, but by 2:00, the sky was blue.

The kids came over. They, as a group, were dangerous insects. (Think thorn bug and dung beetle plus two more).

I, as David Bowie’s Major Tom, handed out Space Rocks to passing cars.

The very popular Space Rocks

People LOVED the Space Rocks. They saw me waving. They slowed. They rolled the window. Their smiles lit up when they saw what I was offering. (Keep this in mind: if you need a crowd pleaser, go for pop rocks. Wearing a spaceman suit doesn’t hurt). One little boy said, “I’m eating these RIGHT NOW!” Yay!

My neighbor ran over and gave me THE CUTEST throws.

My neighbor’s cute throws

It was too cold for Mr. Ground Control and Space Dog Laika to join me. I did it solo.

The house helped.

You can’t hear it from this still but Bowie’s Space Oddity was playing in the background.

“Can you hear me, Major Tom? Can you hear me, Major Tom?”

NB: I have 3 COATS on under my spacesuit

!!!!!!!!HAPPY MARDI GRAS!!!!!!!!!!

Mardi Gras, Mardi Gras 2021, Mardi Gras y'all, Yardi Gras

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