Writing Poetry Against My Will
I don’t write poetry, y’all. But a delightful writing group I’m a member of contains a wonderful and amazing poet. Her writing prompt this month was, “We’re gonna write some poetry.”
Wait. Say, what?
But I am nothing if not compliant. Usually that applies to medical instructions, PT exercises, and spiritual direction, but when a poet tells me to write, I write. (She, biased as she is, would probably say poetry is spiritual direction.)
So on this darkening day in New Orleans in a city known for its rolling thunder when even I concede the dog is not exaggerating how intimidating the approaching booms are, I share with you my stab at poetry:
When New Orleans is overwrought
with lipstick pink and powdered white and leggy lavender
crêpe myrtle trees
untrimmed, we have an embarrassment of extravagance.
Don’t these people know
how to keep their exuberance
in submission?
Yeah, it’s short but that’s poetry.
Share only supportive observations in the comments below. I will choose to take them all as sincere.
In signing off, through any and all circumstances, under duress or free-wheeling it, grumbling at the demands or soaring in an alternate universe of creation, remember: Happy Writing!

crepe myrtles in new orleans, prose writer writing poetry, writing poetry
This is an intriguing poem that makes me ponder things like, who are these people? Are the trees the people? Or the residents of NOLA? I like to think that the trees are the people. Are you planning to enter my writing contest :)? https://writersite.org/2022/06/29/the-rooted-and-winged-writing-contest/ Please feel free to delete the link if you don’t want it up here.
Ellen Morris Prewitt
Trees as people, people as trees, and the grumpy harumpher. Last summer we workshopped a story, arguing if the bugs are people or descriptive metaphors (they were bugs.) I didn’t think of entering, just how cool it is you are doing this! Flash prose, hmmmm
Joanne Corey
I especially love your use of alliteration in the second line. The line break between trees and untrimmed is very effective. I also appreciate your ending with a question, which is a time honored way to draw your reader into reverie.
Yay for poetry!
Ellen Morris Prewitt
Thank you! Thought of you poets when I posted this. Just bumbling along here. Also I don’t know if you noticed but after many requests to my administrator to make the links more visible, I discovered how to highlight them red!
Well done Ellen! Inspirational writing…
Ellen Morris Prewitt
Thank you! And good to hear from you. Hope you are doing well and writing away!
Donna Weidner
<3 it! Write more!
Ellen Morris Prewitt
TY! Under the poet’s writing group instructions, I had to write more than 1 if it was less than a page. So I wrote 3!