Three Novels in the Air
As most of you know, three agents are currently reading the revised manuscript of Train Trip: Lucinda Mae’s Quest for Love, Honor, and the Chickens.
getting an agent, hurricane katrina, juggling your writing life, publishing your novel, revising your novel, when an agent requests your manuscript
Ellen Morris Prewitt
Reblogged this on cain't do nothing with love.
Charlie Van Hecke
Ellen, thanks for this post but more for putting yourself out there. Fyi: The word press blog seems great for posting but to leave a comment , it asks for my word press id and pw. That most be how all blogs behave but it is not like social media. Do you agree? C
Ellen Morris Prewitt
Thanks for the support, Charlie. We shall see what happens.
I will ask my web designer if this will be the case for the new blog. Doesn’t seem right. I mean, lots of folks who want to comment might not have a word press id, right? I’ll let you know, and thanks for alerting me.
Joanne Corey
Wow! My head is spinning just reading about having three novels in progress. It must be why I write (mostly) short poems instead of novels.
Best wishes for all your books!
Ellen Morris Prewitt
But poetry is so hard! I so admire poets — the power in the brevity. I just wrote another post about Zeugmas – do you ever use that device in your poetry? I got the word from today’s A.Word.A.Day entry, whose emails I also love. Thanks for reading, commenting, and supporting!
Joanne Corey
LOL – I had to go read the post to find out what zeugmas are. I don’t think I have ever used one. My poems tend to use more metaphor or choosing a small detail to elicit a much larger picture. I also confess that I am more of an accidental poet than a learned one. It’s entirely possible that I use other devices without even knowing there is a name for them.
Ellen, you are on a roll. I’m so happy for you! Now that I am back in town I need to get back into the zone.
Ellen Morris Prewitt
Thanks so much, Luanne. We shall see what happens — life is just a mystery.
Ellen Morris Prewitt
That’s me, Joanne – who knew this was a real thing with a name, even? I look forward to reading some of your poetry.
Joanne Corey
I wish I could say I have a chapbook out, but that will be a long time down the road, if ever. There are a few of my poems scattered about on my blog, which you can find if you click on the poetry category, although some of the posts will be others’ poems or related happenings. I’d like to put more poetry on the blog but journals don’t like your poem to be online and may disqualify it as previously published. If I ever give up on appearing in literary journals, I’ll have lots of material to put on my blog…
Ellen Morris Prewitt
Yes, that’s a conundrum. I must check out what you have on the blog.
Why We Do What We Do - Ellen Morris Prewitt
[…] In that sighing place of happiness, I’m revising my novels. I’ve described what’s happening here and, unbelievably, I’ve stayed the course. The first two novels are still making the rounds; […]