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Tag: podcast

Mentoring in Audio

Yesterday I joined the Podiobooks Mentoring Community. The Community is a Google+ site created by, a site offering free serialized audio books. Last year, when I was struck by this wild idea to record my short stories and make them available on-line for free, I found I hung around their community for days, reading...

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“Buck Up, You Fool!” or Crying at Your Own Writing

I’d been working on the short story for years. An early version was workshopped in Richard Bausch’s Moss Group. Later, the story received an Honorable Mention in the Memphis Magazine Short Fiction Contest. But I’d never successfully placed the story for publication anywhere. That’s because it wasn’t right. “Ain’t No Commies ‘Round Here,”...

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Why I Have Decided to Podcast My Short Stories

In filing new query letters for my short story collection, I came across an old document. The year was 2007. The list identified agents who asked for stories or the entire manuscript. There were many. I chose one. The agent I picked was not good for me. I piddled around with him for four years, only to ultimately part ways, my fiction unsold. I’m...

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