Tag: Mississippi
Thank you to Tod Davies and Exterminating Angel Press for publishing this excerpt from my as-yet unnamed memoir-in-progress. “The Blank Spot in our Brains” opens with a story about my mother and veers off from there. The short piece explores how hard it is to accept information we don’t want to be true. I now have four excerpts...
So You Love that Racist Movie?
Written by Ellen Morris Prewitt on . Posted in General, Racism to Reconciliation. 4 Comments on So You Love that Racist Movie?
Scene I
Y’all, Gone with the Wind was my first grown-up movie (that means my first movie that wasn’t a Saturday morning matinee where my friends and I ran up and own the aisles acting like fools). We went at night, my mother and two sisters and I. Watching this movie I learned a very important plot point. During the burning of Atlanta,...
Claim the Disappearing: Chapter 9
Written by Ellen Morris Prewitt on . Posted in Writing. No Comments on Claim the Disappearing: Chapter 9
(I invite you to enjoy this free New Orleans novel, courtesy of the wonder that is the internet, unrolled a teensy bit at a time. If you are just joining us, feel free to return to THE BEGINNING and work your way through.)
The saint cleared his throat, urging me to get on with it. Outside the transom window, a tourist walked by in a tall jester’s...
Claim the Disappearing: Chapter 6
Written by Ellen Morris Prewitt on . Posted in General, Writing. No Comments on Claim the Disappearing: Chapter 6
(I invite you to enjoy this free New Orleans novel, courtesy of the wonder that is the internet, unrolled a teensy bit at a time. If you are just joining us, feel free to return to THE BEGINNING and work your way through.)
Bigmama’s one and only child was birthed after the siege of Vicksburg in the American Civil War. Bigmama spent months ignoring...
The Bed Rises
Written by Ellen Morris Prewitt on . Posted in General. No Comments on The Bed Rises
Two weeks ago, this bed was fill dirt. Before that, it was a driveway, a leftover scar from Hurricane Katrina.
The bare former driveway. I wish I’d taken a shot of the mountain of dirt we had delivered (but not spread) on the empty driveway. It took a lot of shoveling to get the mountain dispersed.
The storm, which hit in 2005, decimated...