Tag: Mardi Gras
The temperature dropped to 26 degrees. In New Orleans. But our pipes didn’t burst.
The sun came out. Yes, it took its own sweet time, but by 2:00, the sky was blue.
The kids came over. They, as a group, were dangerous insects. (Think thorn bug and dung beetle plus two more).
I, as David Bowie’s Major Tom, handed out Space...
Happy Mardi Gras!
Written by Ellen Morris Prewitt on . Posted in LOVE. 2 Comments on Happy Mardi Gras!
As the boy says, “Happy Mardi Gras DAY!”
A Good Book Day
Written by Ellen Morris Prewitt on . Posted in General. 2 Comments on A Good Book Day
William and I began our lessons on “How to Play Bridge.” We established that you arrange your hand by suit; you must follow suit; the higher card in a suit wins; ace is the highest card. The rules called the winning process taking “tricks.” William called them books. We played. We made books. William made more books...
The End of Mardi Gras
Written by Ellen Morris Prewitt on . Posted in General. No Comments on The End of Mardi Gras
So many people
so interested in spreading joy in this world,
trying to do whatever they can to add to our happiness quotient.
Thank you for your
For it, the whole world rejoices.
My New Definition of Worthwhile
Written by Ellen Morris Prewitt on . Posted in General. 3 Comments on My New Definition of Worthwhile
Last night, we stood in line with hordes of parade goers, waiting for the ‘’Tit R~x Parade to get underway. In my hand I held a hastily-constructed stand of tiny spectators, proportionately appropriate for the tiny floats making up the parade that parodies the grandaddy of all Mardi Gras parades, the Krewe of Rex. I’d read that the creator...