“Rest,” the doctor said. And I thought, what is rest?
Not bed rest. That’s different. Just simple rest.
Like sitting on the back porch waiting for the squirrels to appear on the squirrel highway where they jump from the Chinese Golden Rain Tree to the flat frond of the palm tree. The most amazing feat, to land on that bouncy, precarious frond. And to do it on purpose, making it part of your daily routine. God bless the squirrels.
“Drink plenty of fluids,” the doctor said. “Not just water, but broth, Jello, things with lots of liquid.”
And I thought of plump green grapes with their tight skin almost bursting from the juice held inside. My teeth pricking the skin, releasing the sweetness down my throat. God bless the grapes.
“Do this,” she said, demonstrating a technique that involved pressure points on my jaw, swaging it to the side, and swallowing. So strange. The maneuver is designed to help clear your ears. She used the analogy of popping the neck of a ketchup bottle to release the stuck ketchup. I will never be able to think of my stopped up ears as anything except a ketchup bottle again. God bless the ketchup bottle.
I have a virus aggravated by a fire in the fireplace. Two weeks, my amazing GP said, for the racking cough to close the door on its way out. But the cough is already whimpering. I can see its tail lashing as it’s forced to retreat. I wouldn’t have this peace of mind if my GP hadn’t seen me within three hours of my contacting her. God bless my GP, Dr. Kuo.
My I rest in my knowledge the body heals, my GP is extraordinarily talented and conscientious, and the squirrels will always land on their feet.
Joe Hawes
Sorry to learm that a virus got you. Hope you throw it soon
Ellen Morris Prewitt
I am feeling sooooo much better, thank you. 🙏
Wishing you a speedy recovery 🙂
Ellen Morris Prewitt
Thank you! I am on the right track. 🤞
Joanne Corey
Sorry to hear that you have been sick but appreciate your very poetic way of bringing us along on your journey to recovery.
My daughter and I have had recent developments that only deepen the medical mystery tour we are on. We need to find our version of your Dr. Kuo…
Ellen Morris Prewitt
Dr. Kuo is the perfect combination of deeply knowledgeable, a great communicator, and a believer in the practical, including alternative approaches. I will be praying she sends her spirit sister to you and yours.
Marie A Bailey
You have a lovely way of taking an illness and making it poetic. I’m glad you’re on the mend.. xo
(Frankly, I love it when squirrels miss their spot. They never seem to get hurt, just embarrassed ;-))
Ellen Morris Prewitt
Thank you!
Ha, ha–embarrassed squirrels. A gift from the universe. 😄