Laissez le bon temps rouler
We leave New Orleans in a week. We’ve spent a lot of time here this year as I’ve gone through two (yikes!) hip replacements. To say our time hasn’t been optimized for fun is an understatement. But last week I was released from outpatient therapy, and it was as if the PT had yelled, “Ready, set, go!” We’ve taken off, visiting Chalmette Battlefield of the War of 1812 as part of my research for a novel revision

exploring along the way

Yesterday we did Algiers

which is still New Orleans but on the west bank of the Mississippi

This week, we’ll travel to the Barataria Basin and search out the little town of Jean Lafitte—yes, my research involves pirates—and later in the week we’ll do an intentional walking tour of Jackson Square, a place we’ve been a million times, but this trip the focus will be the history of the Cabildo, St. Louis Cathedral, Pirate’s Alley, etc. We’ll, of course, take a detour to find Jean Lafitte’s blacksmith shop. After this arduous exploring, we’ll visit the Napoleon House with its great tile floor, because we love it and haven’t been in so very long.
In between, we’ll do another Magazine Street day, good food, salvage hunting, and other fun New Orleans stuff. Oh, and I want to buy a hat I saw at the Whole Foods on Broad—grocery stores are great places for hats.
After that, we’ll be gone from this fabulous city until October, then November when our younger son marries in this fabulous city. Then Christmas and a new year. Time rolls on, but, as they say in New Orleans, laissez le bon temps rouler—let the good times roll!
barataria basin, chalmette battlefield, exploring Algiers Point, Jackson Square tour, Jean Lafitte in the Quarter, Jean Lafitte's blacksmith shop, laissez le bon temps rouler, Rocky and Carlo's, the Napoleon House
I was in New Orleans only once waaaay back in the ’90s and have wanted to go back since. What a great American city.
Ellen Morris Prewitt
Come down sometimes when we’re here, and I’ll show you around!
Joe Hawes
Are you working for the tourist bureau?
If not you should be. You sure do make NOLA sound appealing.
Ellen Morris Prewitt
We only have 6 more days, Joe–I’m trying to make ’em count!
Joanne Corey
Congrats on finishing PT times 2 and being out and about and sharing it with us! I have never been to Louisiana, but think I would not want to visit in the summer. My Northeastern blood might boil! 😉
Ellen Morris Prewitt
Thank you! And you’re right—even for me, raised in Mississippi and never having lived outside the South, this NOLA weather makes an impression. But October, November–it’s truly lovely.