Ida Know, but We Gotta Go
It is Saturday. We’re packing up to drive to my sister’s house in Jackson before Hurricane Ida hits our part of the world.
“Ride it out,” they call it when you evacuate to another area. But you fly from the storm, grabbing your file of necessary papers (oh, right: add COVID vaccination cards) and hurriedly deciding what other extraneous items would represent the best of your life if all is lost. So “ride” only in the sense of that dude hunched on the rocket, holding on for dear life.
Tomorrow, when Ida will hit, is the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina.
Ever since we built our beach house in Waveland, I’ve looked at it as temporary. How could I not? The lot was vacant, thanks to Katrina. I’ve taught myself to enjoy and love what I have while I have it. But the theoretical and packing for reality are two very different things.
We moved all the furniture on our porches and patio in New Orleans inside. Both houses are at risk, as is our ability to get back into these areas in the near future. I alternately look at our preparations as silly—you think these walls will protect your things?—and overly cautious. The carport under our beach house where we sit and listen to the wind chimes in the breeze is empty.
If you are the praying type, please pray for those in the path of this storm. It strengthened so fast, now predicted to be a Category 4, the New Orleans mayor didn’t have time to institute contraflow and issue a mandatory evacuation. Two days ago, it was, what have that named that storm? Now it’s Ida, Ida, Ida.
If you believe in the butterfly theory of the universe, send thoughts for Ida to get bored, huff a sigh, and go to sleep.
Y’all be safe.

Hurricane Ida, Hurricane preparedness, Mississippi Gulf Coast, Running from Ida
Joseph Hawes
What? Again?
Let us join I hope that things go better this time.
Surely the people of NOLA and the Mississippi Gulf Coast learned from. Katrina.
And we will.watch it on TV
Ellen Morris Prewitt
Yes, Mayor Cantrell has 135 buses on standby to evacuate New Orleans after the storm if necessary. The storm strengthened so quickly she didn’t have time to put in contraflow and a mandatory evacuation, but she is doing what she can. Thank you for your thoughts. I’m afraid everyone will need them.
Joseph Hawes
Be safe as you head north
Ellen Morris Prewitt
Thank you – – we have a full tank of gas and snacks.?
Be safe and be well, Ellen ❤️
Ellen Morris Prewitt
Been playing blues and jazz greats all morning to disentangle the eye of Ida. I’m huffing and puffing the mighty winds of the Rockies toward NOLA to push push push back against the swirling chaos of the free-reining funnel. Lord God, I didn’t know it was Katrina day. From the fiery world of AZ, I’m conjuring umbrella protection for the entire gulf coast.
Break apart Ida, dismantle, and dissolve. Teach without destruction, we beseech thee.
https://youtu.be/eml4tIAqWUY Angelina Jordan “I will always love you”
Ellen Morris Prewitt
Now that’s an image I can get behind: the Rockies blowing against Ida like Godzilla taking on Rodan. Thank you for what you were putting into the universe on our behalf. We are halfway to Hattiesburg. Everyone is trying to get somewhere else, just like the water.❤️
Marie A Bailey
Indeed, I hope and pray you all don’t experience the same destruction by Ida as you had by Katrina. Thankfully, I expect the Biden Administration will be more forthcoming in aid and support than the Bush Administration was.
Ellen Morris Prewitt
Ah, good point, Marie. I also think Mayor Cantrell is more competent than Nagin was. Best case scenario, we don’t have to find out!
You and your hubby are in my prayers, Ellen. Also hoping Ida gets bored.
Ellen Morris Prewitt
TY, Luanne. We are now watching long-distance, which is nerve-wracking but, of course, safer.
Onie Johns
Ellen/Tom, Sending good vibes your way. Certainly hope Ida gets tired & takes a rest before she reached shore. Glad you are evacuating & taking precautions just in case. I sure miss you folks in Memphis. Grace, Peace & Joy, Onie
Ellen Morris Prewitt
TY, Onie, particularly since your good vibes are REALLY good vibes. Per my sister’s advice, I’m focusing on winds from the Rockies blowing against Ida and de-stressing her. We so miss you too. <3
Joanne Corey
Thinking of you and hoping you are staying safe in Jackson for the time being. I know the storm hit hard and power will be out for good long time. Praying that your homes held up and don’t have much damage and are waiting for you when the welcome sign goes back up.
Ellen Morris Prewitt
TY Joanne. The houses are okay, and the kids too. They had a window blow out and lost a tree, but no major damage. We only had lots of limbs down. Predictions on power for NOLA are all over the place. We are preparing for a long haul.