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Come Backs

Well, just crap on a cracker. Tom showed me an article that says saddle oxfords are back in style. People will start wearing saddle oxfords again. I’ll keep wearing my saddle oxfords. Then they’ll stop wearing theirs. They will look at my feet like, girl, don’t you know saddle oxfords aren’t in style any more?
This happens to me all the time. I figure, you wear odd things, sometimes other people start wearing them too. Then they stop. You go on. Nothing to be done for it but struggle forward . . . or backward as the case may be.
On the other hand, I was thrilled to see Chautauqua is making a come back. My mother went to a Chautauqua ten or fifteen years ago, maybe the original Chautauqua in New York state. She returned with great stories. People walking from meeting to meeting in the woods learning in a Teddy Roosevelt type of way. Recently, when we were lost in Crystal Springs, Mississippi, we passed a Chautauqua park. But all it had was picnic tables, no men and women striding through the grounds bent on self-improvement and learning. There’s a Chautauqua in New Orleans and it does feature learning but no campground, just six week courses in a classroom setting. Monteagle in Tennessee appears to have a Chautauqua with both instruction and a campground setting. I might have to check it out . . . if they allow adults.
The blender we own looks like it came from the 1970s. Not the 1960s, which would be cool in a retro type of way. This has a cheap yellow plastic 1970s look. When I finished using it to make a milkshake for lunch (with yogurt, I promise), I yanked the cord from the outlet to prevent vampiric energy loss (it’s a real thing.) The outlet, I noticed, was turning green. A sickly green. I examined the end of the blender cord. It was green. A corrosive green. So now I’m in the market for a new blender. I’m on the lookout for an Oster chrome job with the wavy bottom. Surely those are back in style.

here’s to creative synthesis . . .

chautauqua park, creative synthesis, monteagle, oster blender, saddle oxfords, style, teddy roosevelt

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