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For Your Summertime Listening Pleasure

On June 27th, in connection with the Download Party at The Booksellers (what has been tagged a “Bookless Booksigning”), four stories from the collection will launch. The stories will be available on this site, iTunes,YouTube, and perhaps elsewhere. They also will be available for purchase on CD at the Download Party if you’d rather access...

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Rainy Day Thoughts

There is a person inside of me who sits on the sofa like the little boy in the back-in-the-day commercial who says, “And I can’t find my socks.” There’s also the girl who wants to pull on her wellies and stomp through the puddles, umbrella resting on her shoulder. There’s the granddaughter who wants to shake a...

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The Killing of a Coastline

Standing in a thrift shop so stuffed with used clothes I can hardly breathe, I’m reading the warning signs (“Customers, Watch Your Young ‘Uns”) while the proprietress smokes cigarettes and a motorcycle roars by outside and I’m thinking this is worst thrift store I’ve ever been in. Outside, stray cats roam. When we pass the Old Carrabelle Inn...

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Tidbits from My Trip

oddest sign: “No Livestock Released” at a Tennessee rest stop, which was something of a disappointment as I’d have liked to see some cows wandering about oddest sound: in the fancy bathroom of a fancy Charlotte restaurant Elvis singing the “Dixie” portion of An American Trilogy oddest recurring conversation: about the mother, daughter and...

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Oh, Don’t Do That

So I’m walking through the bookstore trying to find a gift for my dad, and I remember the year I talked my sister into giving my grandmother an air conditioning filter for Christmas. I think we were in Sears, and when I saw the air conditioning filter, it reminded me of those collage photo frames (very popular at the time) with lots of...

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