Eternity or Bust
When I read the theme for the summer issue of Exterminating Angel Press was “Eternity or Bust,” I knew I had the perfect submission. Thank goodness Tod Davies of EAP: the Magazine thought so too. I’m grateful to her for including my piece in her fabulous magazine.
The short story is an excerpt from my novel THE BONE TRENCH. I’m glad that at least some of the words from the novel are seeing the light of day (if you want to know the whole exhausting yay-I’ve-got-an-agent-boo-I-lost-my-agent-saga about this novel, ask in the comments, and I’ll tell you). This is the second excerpt from the novel published this year. The first was “Never, Never, Never” which appeared in Connotation Press. Both stories are Memphis-based, because the novel is Memphis-based, so yay for Memphis too.
I’m proud to have “Don’t Bring that Mess to Memphis Unless You’re Serious” included with the other thinkers of deep eternal thoughts who appear in the EAP issue…particularly since my story is humorous, blasphemous some might even say (well, in truth, ‘have said’ is the more accurate verb tense.)
I’m also delighted to report that the EAP short story contains my most favorite passage from the whole entire novel.
Click to read “Don’t Bring that Mess to Memphis Unless You’re Serious”. Then see if you can guess my favorite passage. I’ll call the winners in the comments.

Connotation Press, EAP: The Magazine, Exterminating Angel Press, Memphis short stories, The Bone Trench
the entire piece is very good writing Ellen; but the ladder, blues and blind Mississippi Morris paragraph is CLASSIC!!
Ellen Morris Prewitt
Thank you so much! I’m gonna enter that as your guess at my favorite paragraph. I shall call the winner if/when others guess. 🙂
yes, that was my intent 😉
This excerpt was not completed when I was in Memphis writing group so this was my first time reading it! Excellent!!
Ellen Morris Prewitt
Congrats, Ellen. I’m printing to read later! I already peeked at the first sentence and got hooked.
Ellen Morris Prewitt
Oh, I’m glad you’re taking a read. I do like Jesus and Salt. 🙂
Donna Weidner
Yup. I’m loving it too, Ellen!
Ellen Morris Prewitt
Yay! <3
Classic Ellen humor. Of course I love it. I am particularly fond of plants gasping and Memphis as a shattering supernova. Supernovas are one of my things.
Ellen Morris Prewitt
I’m so glad you liked it! Thank you for reading and letting me know. I should’ve known you liked supernovas. <3