Plant Therapy
It’s as if we’ve been in stasis since May. First, we went to Europe. Then to Canada. Then to Colorado. In between we bought a condo in Memphis and went to Jackson, Jackson, Jackson. All that time, the house in New Orleans waited.
The HVAC dying.
Weeds growing in the sidewalk.
The courtyard unattended.
The tropicals were dead from winter but not replaced because we weren’t going to be there. Then not replaced because it was so damn hot. Then waiting because my bug man said “Don’t put anything in the ground until hurricane season is past.” And the woman who housesits the yard (yard-sits) said, “Just because we have plants for sale doesn’t mean your should be putting them out.”
Now I look at the bareness and must caution restraint. My mantra has been, if it’s still alive after all this neglect, I’m doubling down. But I must have pollinators in honor of my sister. And I’d like plants that meet my original theme of time–plants whose blooms last one day, plants that turn with the sun, plants that bloom at night.
So, for once, I’m going to do this differently. Rather than one huge mad purchase, I’m going to buy in stages. Pollinators first. Then assess and go from there.
I don’t know what’s going on, but many of my fundamental ways of doing business are changing. This is but one example. Plant therapy, I’m thinking.
I’ll let you know how it does.
With pictures.
Emma Connolly
Moonflowers. I have seeds i harvested from my flowers. will pass to you next time y’all are over this way. And morning glories come back year after year in our climate (even though some people hate them and categorize them as weeds); i love their cheerful morning faces. And they attract butterflies!
Ellen Morris Prewitt
I would love moonflower seeds! We had a vine 3 years ago, but I haven’t been able to find one since. And I didn’t get started soon enough this spring with the seeds. I looked at 4 o’clocks with I love, but then I read they are poisonous to dogs. Would Evangeline really go out there and eat the plant? I don’t know, but I didn’t risk it. I love morning glories too.
Joe Hawes
Refreshing. Many thanks
Ellen Morris Prewitt
You’re welcome!
Marie A Bailey
My, you have been busy!
Aside from when we hired a landscaper to put in a garden for us, we’ve generally been of the sort to plant a bit and then see what happens. Now we’re doing it on a larger scale because of the garden, but it’s a good process. Pollinators are so important and most of those that we have are resilient so … win-win 🙂
Ellen Morris Prewitt
I know, and we never travel. We went 10 years without getting on a plane. We have vowed to be homebodies next year!
I always want to GET IT DONE! So I’m forcing a different approach this way. Does your garden have vegetables or flowers?
Marie A Bailey
No vegetables, although every so often my husband talks about growing some. We have goldenrod, hibiscus, passion vine, salvia, firebush … plants like that. We told the landscaper that we wanted the garden to look like our favorite wildlife refuge and he delivered 🙂
Ellen Morris Prewitt
Oh, how wonderful! I love Passion vine, just ordered another one. And one of the native plants I bought today was a Cajun Hibiscus. It says, “Hey, my baby.” 🙂