I Second a Blooming
Once upon a time, before I ran away from home and got a divorce, but while my marriage was crumbling, I explored Mississippi. I drove all over the state, visiting cities everyone talked about but I had never seen. I went to Columbus and Holly Springs and Corinth where the railroad from the Civil War was a major attraction. I toured gravel pits and rode in horse-drawn carriages. I saw more than my fair share of antebellum homes. I stayed in B&Bs before we knew anything about Airbnb. I ate at tables by myself. I learned and absorbed and enjoyed, and I look back with fondness on what could have been an extremely sad and solitary time in my life.
This feeling returned to me this weekend as I drove into Starkville, Mississippi. The story is that Mississippi’s two state universities were established in the middle of nowhere because the state legislators wanted the students to have no choice but to pay attention to their studies. Oxford, maybe not. Starkville, definitely.
I was driving this familiar-feeling territory on my way to a women’s retreat hosted by Alison Buehler of the Homestead Center and put together by Susan Cushman, the editor of A Second Blooming. I have an essay in the book. Susan asked several contributors to be presenters at this weekend conference. I went because of the caliber of the other presenters – – I wanted to get to know these women. That’s what I was thinking about when I accepted the invite. Of course, it was the conference itself that took my heart by surprise.
A “second blooming” refers to the process that happens in the second half of a woman’s life. When the container of the first half is formed, but the contents begin to change. We had about 14 women participating. I had to leave early to return to Memphis to attend—for joy, for joy—my husband’s 70th birthday dinner. My time at the conference, however brief, was delightful.
I am grateful to Susan Cushman for including me in this group. And I want to thank the participants, who chose to come to this retreat and let me lead them through an intense, proselytization on the joy of creating in groups.

A Second Blooming, The 2nd half of life, The Homestead Center
Congratulations again, Ellen. The retreat sounds wonderful and reminds me of the one and only retreat I did in Mexico a few years ago. All the women were “2nd bloomers” including the workshop leader, Ellen Waterston. It was great to be among such a group and so I can see why you would be enthusiastic.
Ellen Morris Prewitt
Mexico! That’s impressive. (I’m not going to run down Starkville anymore, but it is remote). I thought this morning, I was gone less than 24 hours. That shows how concentrated the time together was. (Then we had a wonderful 70th birthday party—woop, woop!) 🙂
A huge congrats, Ellen! Wonderful. And you are such an inspiration with your story about making memories instead of sadness.
Ellen Morris Prewitt
Thanks, Luanne. It was really interesting how physical the memory was. I did not go to Starkville during my travels/travails but the landscape, the early spring weather, the smell of winter retreating—it immediately brought back a time I don’t think of often. Oh, and guess what-we had the poet laureate of Alabama at the retreat. You would have loved her. 🙂
Jennifer Horne
What a treat to get to meet you at the conference–and to see this post just afterwards! Thanks, Ellen!
Ellen Morris Prewitt
I am so glad we were paired as roommates. I forgot to apologize for coughing—I should have taken Alison up on her Zyrtec offer! I hope our paths cross again
Jennifer Horne
I loved being roommates for the night as well! You coughed? Seriously, I didn’t hear a thing. 🙂 Hope to see you in Memphis or ’round the South. JH
Ellen Morris Prewitt
And that I get to hear one of your talks—I so loved the content of your comments.
Jennifer Horne
Thank you! And I’m glad I did get to hear yours–I learned so much!
Joanne Corey
I’ve been following the planning of this through Susan’s blog and now am catching up on the posts about its completion. It sounds like a wonderful experience all the way around the circle.
Ellen Morris Prewitt
How cool! Yes, it was a nice weekend. (And I haven’t even talked about the great food!) 🙂