Waiting for a Hurricane
I cannot take Trump yelling, yelling, yelling. Angry at the questions, angry at Vice President Harris, angry at the moderators. Who told him that was a good look, angry white man? So I turned it off. You know how bad it was? I’d rather sit here undistracted, waiting for a hurricane to hit.
Yep, Hurricane Francine is bearing down on us. Each forecast brings it closer to my life. New Orleans is under a Hurricane Watch. The beach house is under a Tropical Storm Warning and Storm Surge Warning. What was supposed to happen mid-day tomorrow is now forecast for tomorrow late afternoon and night. I hate hurricanes at night.
I prepped both houses for what I thought would be less-than hurricane force winds. Now both houses might be looking at a hurricane. As always, we shall see what happens, as all we can do is prep then sit, waiting for a hurricane.
Be safe ❤️
Ellen Morris Prewitt
Joe Hawes
Stay safe and keep us posted
Ellen Morris Prewitt
Will do.
Oh Ellen, too much stress just listening to tRump’s rants – his very voice causes my stomach to reel. I listened to the entire thing, because I wanted to know what both said. She was focused. He was insane. I felt like my body was infected with his anger. I actually could not wait to shower and go to sleep. Now, about Francine – I had no idea y’all were staying in NOLA, I supposed you’d be in Memphis being safe. Thank God this is not going to be a big hurricane – just hoping the power stays on for all of us!! Shalom!
Ellen Morris Prewitt
You know, when we built the beach house, we didn’t buy a generator because we were like, we’ll just go to Memphis.
I don’t think there’s been one storm that we’ve gone to Memphis.🙃 We were here in Waveland. I hope your yard was okay? All was well here, though poor Evangeline only recently stopped shaking. She hates storms.
After the debate I read where Trump’s handlers had been worried about whether “happy” Trump or “angry Trump” would show up at the debate. I think we got the answer to that! It was the constant angry yelling I couldn’t take. I know anger impresses some people, but I am not one of them.
Joanne Corey
Glad that the storm didn’t cause you damage and thinking about those who did suffer harm.
Ellen Morris Prewitt
Thank you. Yes, so much flooding. Unbelievably, last time I checked, no deaths had been reported from the storm.