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Tag: “Rollerblader for Jesus”

Reading in the Rain

I don’t know where you are—based on my blog stats, there’s a good chance you might be in Brazil or New Zealand or Italy or India or Britain—but whatever part of the world you’re in, it might be raining.  That steady downpour that makes you hunt a sofa, a blanket, a warm cup of coffee or tea.  You need a nap, really, a chance to drop off to...

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Sunday Listening

“I don’t want to hear any more talk about heaven. Or Jesus,” my mom says. Still, I think it was a sign. Jesus talking like a surfer dude, except saying “skate” instead of “rock.” The real thing. So I decided to become a rollerblader for Jesus. My mom says, “Yeah, and before that, you wanted to retire the national debt.” “Rollerblader for...

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