Tag: free fiction
(I invite you to enjoy this free New Orleans novel, courtesy of the wonder that is the internet, unrolled a teensy bit at a time. If you are just joining us, feel free to return to THE BEGINNING and work your way through.)
My Elfy was plump as a pin cushion. She spoke in spurts and nibbled her fingers in between her words. She was my great-grandmother...
Claim the Disappearing: 2
Written by Ellen Morris Prewitt on . Posted in General, Writing. 3 Comments on Claim the Disappearing: 2
(I invite you to enjoy this free New Orleans novel, courtesy of the wonder that is the internet, unrolled a teensy bit at a time. If you are just joining us, feel free to return to THE BEGINNING and work your way through.)
All bad things start in Alabama. That’s not talking ugly. It’s geographical fact. Alabama is a topographical sinkhole out...
The Yellow Line
Written by Ellen Morris Prewitt on . Posted in General, HOMELESSNESS, Writing. 2 Comments on The Yellow Line
I spent eight years assisting those who were experiencing homelessness to get their voices into the world. So I am acutely aware that in my short story, The Yellow Line, I am writing in the voice of a woman whose experiences I cannot actually know. But Leroy Scott, one of the authors of Writing Our Way Home: A Group Journey Out of Homelessness,...
Self-Publishers Self-Promotion: Mock-you-deals
Written by Ellen Morris Prewitt on . Posted in General. 6 Comments on Self-Publishers Self-Promotion: Mock-you-deals
“In a zero book deal, Ellen Morris Prewitt’s short story collection, Cain’t Do Nothing with Love, on-line in audio”
“Underselling author Ellen Morris Prewitt’s short story collection Cain’t Do Nothing with Love to caintdonothingwithlove.wordpress.com”
“Author of multiple works of mischief, Ellen Morris Prewitt’s...
Cheers to the Buzzing Mosquito
Written by Ellen Morris Prewitt on . Posted in General. 7 Comments on Cheers to the Buzzing Mosquito
How do you choose to get your work out there? This question—ebook or print?—is raging on LinkedIn. Sprinkled in but treated as an annoying buzzing mosquito of a distraction—quit bringing this up!— are a handful of posts about audio.
I am the buzzing mosquito.
Here, at Cain’t Do Nothing with Love, we are living in an audio world.