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Tag: fiction

Jesus Hanging on the Bathroom Wall

In the pouring rain, across a highway divider in an unknown town, I sit at a red light, listening to the rain thump the car. Gone are the jokes about the cheap hotel room that cut the tension while we toured the tiny downtown where trees squared the block and the rotunda stood tall. I fell in love with the sidewalks so straight, but then we left...

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Cheers to the Buzzing Mosquito

How do you choose to get your work out there? This question—ebook or print?—is raging on LinkedIn. Sprinkled in but treated as an annoying buzzing mosquito of a distraction—quit bringing this up!— are a handful of posts about audio. I am the buzzing mosquito. Here, at Cain’t Do Nothing with Love, we are living in an audio world. “Written...

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The Unloved Elephant

I have 14 videos on YouTube. 14 stories read aloud. Some stories have had more views than others. Inexplicably, the story with the least views is one that was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. It’s a lovely story. Could you show a little love to “Gift of the Elephant”? Give it a listen? I would appreciate it. Remember:...

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Reading in the Rain

I don’t know where you are—based on my blog stats, there’s a good chance you might be in Brazil or New Zealand or Italy or India or Britain—but whatever part of the world you’re in, it might be raining.  That steady downpour that makes you hunt a sofa, a blanket, a warm cup of coffee or tea.  You need a nap, really, a chance to drop off to...

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Thoughts on Gifting

As much as I have promoted the free access to the stories—on this blog, iTunes, YouTube—one of the more popular vehicles for listening has been the $10 CDs. People listen in their cars; they use the CDs in their cars. So. If you’d like to give a CD for Christmas, let me know. The CD has 4 stories—”Lucky Critters,” “Rollerblader...

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A Snail Went to Carlos Fuentes Funeral

Sometimes I get so frustrated by the pace of my writing career, I Google the titles of my novels to see if something is going on with them that I don’t know about. This is an insane activity, as the novels haven’t been published. The only place they exist—other than a mention or two in contests I’ve placed in over the years—are...

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