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Tag: emerging church

The Community of Doers

I am going to start a new church. We’ll be called a community of doers. No more community of believers for us. In this church, nothing must you believe; you needn’t even believe in doing. We won’t approve of what you are doing. We won’t disapprove of what you are doing or not doing. All we ask is that you want to do. BTW—you can’t join this...

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The Non-Laity

We were talking last night about our inward journey—what we are doing spiritually for ourselves—and I was describing a blog I had recently started following. “He’s a priest,” I said, “but—.” I stopped and laughed. I was about to say, “But I like what he has to say.” He’s a priest, but. Sometimes if I listen to myself, i can learn a lot about...

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